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Annual Plan

✔️ Privately Rate Restaurants
✔️ Taste Personality Quizzes
✔️ Create Food & Beverage "Playlists"
✔️ Personal Taste Profile
✔️ View Compatibility With Restaurants Anywhere
✔️ History Log
✔️ Menu Item Recommendations
✔️ Restaurant Locator 
✔️ Restaurant Note Pad
✔️ Keyword & Location Specific Searching


billed annually
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Monthly Plan

✔️ Privately Rate Restaurants
✔️ Taste Personality Quizzes
✔️ Create Food & Beverage "Playlists"
✔️ Personal Taste Profile
✔️ View Compatibility With Restaurants Anywhere
✔️ History Log
✔️ Menu Item Recommendations
✔️ Restaurant Locator
✔️ Restaurant Note Pad
✔️ Keyword & Location Specific Searching


billed monthly
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Lifetime Plan

✔️ Privately Rate Restaurants
✔️ Taste Personality Quizzes
✔️ Create Food & Beverage "Playlists"
✔️ Personal Taste Profile
✔️ View Compatibility With Restaurants Anywhere
✔️ History Log
✔️ Menu Item Recommendations
✔️ Restaurant Locator
✔️ Restaurant Note Pad
✔️ Keyword & Location Specific Searching


one time payment 
Limited Time Offer 
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Ratings are opinions. And when it comes to taste, no one's opinions matter more than yours. So, instead of promoting the opinions of one person or a general consensus as to which restaurants are worth visiting with “one-size-fits-all” ratings; #TheCourseApp uses artificial intelligence and private reviews to build a unique Taste Profile for each and every one of our members and then determines which restaurants are most compatible with each of their own set of unique tastes and individual preferences.

We're not in the business of selling, promoting or hiding ratings.

We're in the business of making people happy.


Helping you give your guests what they want.

Annual  Plan

✔️  Menu & Profile Management
✔️  Anonymous Ratings Review
✔️  Market Impressions
✔️  Local Benchmarking
✔️  Global Benchmarking
✔️  Concept Benchmarking
✔️  Guest Taste Profile Report
✔️  Guest Preference Report
✔️  Profile Traffic Analysis
✔️  Sitewide Activity Analysis


billed annually
Coming 2022

Monthly Plan

✔️  Menu & Profile Management
✔️  Anonymous Ratings Review
✔️  Market Impressions
✔️  Local Benchmarking
✔️  Global Benchmarking
✔️  Concept Benchmarking
✔️  Guest Taste Profile Report
✔️  Guest Preference Report
✔️  Profile Traffic Analysis
✔️  Sitewide Activity Analysis


billed monthly

Coming 2022

Lifetime Plan

✔️  Menu & Profile Management
✔️  Anonymous Ratings Review
✔️  Market Impressions
✔️  Local Benchmarking
✔️  Global Benchmarking
✔️  Concept Benchmarking
✔️  Guest Taste Profile Report
✔️  Guest Preference Report
✔️  Profile Traffic Analysis
✔️  Sitewide Activity Analysis


one time payment 
Limited Time Offer


Coupon Code Required For This Limited Time Introductory Offer
Enterprise Plan Launching 2022


one time payment for pre-order only with coupon code
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Think of your Course Enterprise Membership as unlimited access to exclusive and robust STR-type data for independent restaurants.

Lifetime Enterprise Memberships include an Individual Membership for the same subscription period so you can enjoy the benefits Course offers to guests AND hosts. 

The non-identifying data we collect via an easy-to-read customizable dashboard offers unprecedented insight into dining patterns by revealing what, why, when and where else your guests are eating.
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