P.A.I.R.E. Personal AI Recommendation Engine for Foodies

dining recommendations 
Custom-Tailored Specifically For You

Create Your PersonalTaste Profile™️

1. Take fun food quizzes.

2. Privately rate at least 20 restaurants.

3. See your personal compatibility with restaurants & bars. 

"Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all restaurant ratings & recommendations!"

Bespoke Food + Travel

Paire creates a unique PersonalTaste Profile™ for each and every member based on their private restaurant ratings & answers to fun food quizzes. The more restaurants you privately rate and more quizzes you take - the more you enhance your profile. 

Our proprietary AI then pairs you with the restaurants that match your PersonalTaste Profile™️ saving you time & money by quickly getting you to places you're most likely to love.

Download the Paire app now for FREE!

Make & Share Restaurant Lists 

Paire also makes it easy to turn the cluttered contents of your notes app into the most organized & interactive bucket-lists you've ever seen!

Our Spotify-like list making, sharing & following feature makes it easy for passionate food-lovers to keep track of: 

• Restaurant Festival Participants 
• Hidden Gems you Stumble On
• Trusted Recommendations 
• Places & Plates Featured Online, On TV & in Print 

Make a list of your favorites in every city
Make a list of places you're dying to try.
Share your lists with friends!
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