P.A.I.R.E. Personal AI Recommendation Engine for Foodies

The Dating App For Your Taste Buds

Create Your Own Personal Taste Profile

Take Fun Food Quizzes

Our proprietary taste matching A.I. refines your Personal Taste Profile with every quiz you complete.

Privately Rate Restaurants

Start with at least 20 - ones you like and ones you don't. The more you rate, the better your matches.

Make Shareable Lists

Keep track of your local favorites and organize your bucket lists with best-in-class fully customizable lists.

See Your Compatibility with 
Restaurant & Bars Everywhere

The Most Reliable Taste Matching Begins with 
The Most In-Depth Personal Taste Profiles

Instead of scraping and curating third party data, more "50 Best Restaurants" lists or your social media activity in order to make recommendations; Paire uses hyper-specific data from the most reliable source on Earth - you.

Privately submitted (zero-party) data is not only more reliable data - it's also less susceptible to being skewed by bias, manipulation or anomalies/outliers. That's why Paire uses your own private detailed restaurant ratings, anonymous answers to fun food quizzes and fully customized lists to create the most in-depth Personal Taste Profile™ that's totally unique to you. 

Paire’s recommendation engine deeply personalizes recommendations beyond category-level preferences with Advanced Individualized Compatibility Scoring. In other words... instead of simply recommending the most popular Chinese restaurant in a given location to someone who likes Chinese food; Paire's recommendation engine assess the more granular aspects of each restaurant that matter specifically to each member like: freshness, flavor, preparation style, atmosphere, value, dietary needs, ambiance, service, portion sizes, cleanliness, ratios of ingredients and more!

This differentiates Paire from other apps whose “personalized recommendations” rely on public consensus, star ratings and social trends. 

The more restaurants you privately rate and the more quizzes you take - the more you refine your Personal Taste Profile for a higher degree of personalization.

Download Paire now for FREE!

Make & Share Paire Restaurant Lists 

Paire also makes it easy to turn the cluttered contents of your notes app into the most dynamic, organized & interactive lists ever!

Now it's super easy for passionate food-lovers like you 
to keep much better track of: 

• Influencer Recommendations
• Hidden Gems you Stumble On
Restaurant Festival Participants
• Places & Plates Featured on TV or in Print 

Make a list of your favorite restaurants to share with friends.
Keep a list for each city you visit & the cities you plan to visit soon.
Save & organize all your tasting notes in one convenient place.
Share your lists with friends.
Follow their lists.
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