After any free trial period(s) or discount(s), you will be charged your selected plan rate plus applicable taxes on a recurring basis, if indicated, to your payment method on file. If you do not cancel during the free trial or discounted period, you will be charged the full subscription price at the end of the free or discounted period. Your subscription will continue until you cancel. You may cancel your subscription at any time. To cancel visit either the subscription center on your device or 'Manage My Account' under the Profile section of the application. By selecting 'CREATE MY ACCOUNT', you agree to the above terms and the COURSE Terms of Service and Privacy Policy found at IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS, POLICIES AND CONDITIONS, YOU MAY NOT USE THE SERVICE AND SHOULD CANCEL YOUR MEMBERSHIP. NO REFUNDS ARE ISSUED FOR ANY UNUSED PORTION OF ANY PLAN, MEMBERSHIP OR SUBSCRIPTION TO THE SERVICE REGARDLESS OF THE LENGTH OF TIME OR LACK THEREOF OF ANY MEMBER'S ACTIVITY REGARDLESS OF REASON. ANY FAILURE TO MAINTAIN AN ACTIVE ACCOUNT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MEMBER CANCELATION, COMPANY TERMINATION OR SERVICE INTERRUPTION FOR ANY LENGTH OF TIME, SHALL NOT RELEASE ANY MEMBER FROM THIS OR ANY RELATED OR SUBSEQUENT AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO BY CONSENT OR USE OF THE SERVICES. A FREEMIUM VERSION, FREE TRIAL OR LIMITED TIME OFFERINGS MAY BE MADE AVAILABLE BY THE COMPANY VIA WEBSITES AND ONLINE / DIGITAL MARKETPLACES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE Google PlayStore OR Appleās AppStore HOWEVER, THE COMPANY IS UNDER NO OBLIGATION AND NO PART OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL CONSTITUTE OR BE CONSTRUED AS AN OBLIGATION OF THE COMPANY TO MAINTAIN, MONITOR OR PROVIDE CONTINUOUS UNINTERRUPTED ACCESS FOR ANY PARTY TO THE SERVICES OR PRODUCTS OFFERED WHETHER PAID, DISCOUNTED OR UNPAID.
ADDITIONALLY, MEMBERSHIP CANCELLATION BY YOU, OR BY THE COMPANY, MAY RESULT IN THE LOSS OF ANY PRE-PAYMENT FOR SOME PORTION OR ALL OF FUNDS. THE COMPANY DOES NOT AND SHALL NOT ISSUE ANY REFUNDS, CREDITS OR PRORATIONS.